Terms &

Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda, hereinafter referred to as Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda, is aware of the implications and its responsibility to comply with the changes introduced in the field of personal data protection, namely with effect starting from May 25th 2018 of the General Data Protection Regulation, approved by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 26 April 2016.

Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda, therefore makes the commitment to assure the protection of all personal data made available to it, by adopting various technical and organizational security measures in order to protect personal data against any form of illegal treatment.

Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda is also committed to continuously improve the set of procedures and techniques implemented for the protection of personal data, including accepting, for this purpose, all suggestions that the users of this site send us.

These Terms and Conditions of Privacy apply exclusively to the processing of personal data by Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda collected through our website or commercial and promotional activities.

1. Purpose

The personal data is gathered exclusively for the following purposes

  • Contact request response;
  • Commercial management;
  • Service's improvement or customization;
  • Sending newsletters and other promotional actions.  

Customers can cancel their subscription to the email newsletter service by clicking on the newsletter link sent via email.

2. Personal Data Collected

The data collected is limited to the name, contact and email address, and are used for the purposes specified in this policy, which can be obtained through:

  • Website contact form;
  • On-site collection.

3. Consent

Before the first promotional message or newsletter is sent, your explicit consent will be requested in order to send this type of messages.

This consent will be requested via email and the data holder will only receive messages if they respond positively. If the answer is negative, your data will be erased.

4. Retaining Period

The personal data collected will be kept as long as the holder's consent is kept, for the purposes defined in 1.

5. Sharing personal data

The personal data collected can be shared for hosting and backup, by Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda, on servers located in Portugal.

6. Rights of the holders

To access, correct, add, update, delete or change the consent of the communications, the holder should contact Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda through info@room2fit.com. Such requests will be dealt with as soon as possible.

You may also use this contact for any clarification or suggestion about these terms and conditions.

7. Links to partner sites

The Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda website might contain links to third-parties / partners' websites. The referred sites are not under the control of Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda, thus Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda is not responsible for the content of any of these sites. Users of the Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda website are advised, when accessing other sites, to look for the pages within those sites that refer to their privacy policies.

8. Cookies

When browsing the Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda website, cookies are used, which, however, do not collect information that identifies the user. Generic information is collected, namely the way users arrive and use the sites. The collected information is used for the purpose of monitoring the number of visits and statistical studies, as well as to ensure that the site works correctly and to facilitate navigation and improve the user experience.

The use of cookies allows the navigation of the website to be constantly optimized in order to provide a high quality experience that exceeds the quality obtained in the previous visit by the user.

9. Changes in Terms and Conditions

These Privacy Policy may be subject to change or revision, without prior notice, according to legal or regulatory requirements according to the current law. Any significant changes to these terms will be duly communicated to users on the Group's website.

As these Terms and Conditions may be reviewed at any time, in accordance with the criteria described above, Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda recommends its users to review them periodically.

10. Data Collection

10.1 Contact form

By completing this form, the user gives his / her consent and authorizes the collection and processing of his / her personal data, namely the e-mail and telephone address, for the purpose of requesting a quote / contact by Room2Fit-Hospitality Interiors, Lda.

This consent form is in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 et seq. Of the new General Data Protection Regulation  - EU Regulation 2016/679 of the Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, constituting a manifestation of will, free , specific, informed and explicit, whereby the data subject accepts, by declaration, that personal data relating to him / her are treated in a manner that is legally admissible. The data owner declares that the data provided is true and accurate and its insertion duly authorized, being solely responsible for the content thereof.

Terms and Conditions of Privacy - Version 1.0 - May 2024

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